Bullying Prevention and Policies
The Golden Plains School District is committed to a culture where we have empathy and respect for the feelings and needs of others. We view bullying, harassment, slurs, and hazing as obstacles to realizing our district’s values and purpose.
What is bullying?
Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves a real or perceived imbalance of power or strength. Bullying behavior is repeated or has the power to be repeated over time.
Bullying can be verbal, physical, psychological and can even extend to digital communications through electronic devices. Cyberbullying includes the transmission of messages, text, sound, image, video, websites, social media, or other digital means to bully another person. Whether done in person or online, the effects of bullying are the same and are completely unacceptable.
What is not bullying?
While any aggressive or harmful behavior occurring at school requires concern and attention, not all behaviors constitute bullying. Unpleasant verbal, non-verbal, and physical behaviors that cause harm, discomfort, or upset are not considered bullying if the action occurs only once, is accidental, and is not intended to gain power. While these actions can be elements of bullying, mean and rude actions are not automatically bullying. It is important to understand the difference between rude, mean, and bullying behaviors as each requires a unique intervention to solve the issue.
Rude = An action (verbal or physical) that inadvertently hurts someone else. An example could be burping in someone’s face, jumping in front of the line, or bragging. These actions are typically based on thoughtlessness or poor manners and are not intended to hurt the other person.
Mean = An action (verbal or physical) that intentionally hurts someone once (or maybe twice). An example could be saying, “you’re fat,” or criticism that aims to denigrate. Meanness is usually the result of anger or the attempt to feel better by putting down someone else.
Golden Plains School District’s Anti-Bullying, Discrimination, and Harassment Policy
Board Policies (BP 5131.2-Bullying)
The Golden Plains School District does not allow any behaviors that infringe on the safety or emotional well-being of our students. The district has developed programs, policies, and procedures to create a healthy learning environment for all students.
If you think you child is being bullied.
Please follow these instructions if you believe your child is the victim of bullying.
- Talk to or visit the principal, vice-principal, or principal’s designee, i.e., school counselor, school psychologist, or school nurse.
- Complete the online Bullying Form located on GPUSD School Site webpage as soon as possible. It will go directly to school administration.
- The principal or designee is required to follow investigation procedure as outlined in the board approved bullying timeline and flow chart.
- Parents will receive verbal or written information on the resolution from the site principal, designee, or Superintendent. Resolution information will adhere to student confidentiality requirements.
- If you disagree with the resolution, a written appeal may be submitted to the Superintendent.
Additional Resources
Please review these links below for resources on how to recognize the signs of bullying and steps parents can take to help prevent this from happening to your child.
- Guide to Smart Phone & Social Media Safety
- The Role Kids Play
- Disabilities and Special Needs
- Who is at Risk
- Diversity, Race & Religion
- Warning Signs for Bullying
- LGQBT Youth
- What is Cyberbullying?
- How to Prevent Bullying
- Bullying Prevention by California PTA
- What is Bullying
Bullying Training Resources